Friday, April 18, 2008

LempRL Made in Python

So I'm starting slowly getting some basics out of the way. Adding one thing at a time and approaching things in a finish this part in one sitting type way. I got two of those done today! Next projects are, loading a map from a file, collision detections and a more polished input method/game loop. Rather than have the player.move() function control the loop I'm going to make an input function and have it pass the keypress to the move function. That way I don't need to pass the window to the move function as all it needs to act on is the coordinates of the player. Not much going on this weekend so hopefully we'll have a bunch of progress.

1 comment:

Rodneylives said...

Hey, best of luck with the project!

I was wondering however, I'm having trouble getting wcurses to work, but it looks like you've gotten it to import correctly. The directions say to copy it to the appropriate place in Lib/site-packages, but maybe that's not enough? What did you do to install it?